I watched her today as she power walked beside her daddy, pumping her legs as fast as they would go just to keep up with his wide, manly stride. Emerald is growing long and lanky in her fifth year of life. Suddenly she seems more girlish than baby-ish, but still she takes three steps for every one of Chad’s.
We went to Six Flags, and I stood aside this time and watched as she rode the swings with her big sister. Around and around they went, one girl growing into a woman, and one baby growing into a girl, both of them swinging their legs as if they didn’t have a single care in this big, broken, beautiful world. Every time their swing came back around to where I was standing, Emerald reached out her little hand and waved. She didn’t just wave at me once or twice. Every single time I was in sight again, she searched for me and waved enthusiastically.
Motherhood is a long road with so many starts and stops, so many thrills and triumphs and heartaches and frustrations. It will wear you down and wear you out and it will wear you like last year’s too small swimsuit. Motherhood bears all and knows all and tells all.
But, please little mamas, don’t ever take for granted that small window in your long life when you are the sun of your child’s universe. Don’t let the weariness cause you to miss how she lights up when she sees your face. Don’t let the weight of it keep you from recognizing the relief that he feels when you turn the corner and there you are–the center of everything.
I am in no hurry to see this phase go. It is glorious and pain-staking and life-giving to be loved and cherished and adored by a child. Don’t miss it.
Our kids are grown now but I remember praying during moments like you celebrate with this post, “Lord, hold this in my memory to savor again at another time.” As I read this, some of those are coming back. Also, our adult children are making new such memories as well.
This captured my heart this morning. Thank you for the reminder to slow down.