The internet is crawling with blogs, but here you are, looking at mine. And, I’m so glad! My name is Melissa Edgington. I’m a pastor’s wife, a former English teacher, and a stay-at-home mother of three pretty great kids. Adelade is 20, Sawyer is 17, and Emerald is 12. Three years ago we unexpectedly found ourselves temporarily taking in the baby of an acquaintance. She was 11 weeks old at the time. Since then, her little life took some unexpected twists and turns, and we adopted Ivy Joy in June of 2024. She fits right into our family. I started this blog for my kids. Someday when my face is only a memory, I want them to be able to “read” me. I want my words to come to them as lessons, as gentle whispers from God, as instruction and encouragement. I want them to know how much I love Jesus Christ and living for Him. And I want them to know how much I love being their mother.
I was really only writing every once in awhile, but many years ago I accepted a challenge to write something every day for thirty days in a row. After that, I was hooked, and I’ve loved getting to be involved in conversations about God with people all over the world. The internet is an amazing thing.
My husband Chad and I married in 1999, and we have had all kinds of adventures, from our days in Music City with his rock band, to teaching junior high school in classrooms right next door to each other, to law school and the attorney life, to incredible years watching God work in churches where we have served. It’s been a fun and interesting ride with plenty of hills to climb and twists and turns. And, the best part is that we never know what God is going to do next.
I hope you’ll stick around and join us in some of the adventures that God is working on. Three things I know, and I hope you’ll see them coming through in my writing: God is good, He is trust-worthy, and He is firmly in control.
So, welcome! I’m so glad you’re here!