They found her today, drifting there in the middle of the chaos of flood and hurricane, clinging to her mother’s lifeless body. She is only three. She has probably learned all kinds of words and phrases and ideas in the past year of her life. I remember when Emerald was three, and she handed me her cup. Here ya go, precious lady! she said, and I giggled and watched her big blue eyes and promised myself I would never forget it–such a grown up thing to come out of that tiny, heart-shaped three year old mouth.
I wonder where the little girl in the flood will find the vocabulary to express what she has been through today. I wonder where she will find the heart to survive the tragedy of watching her only mama, that precious lady, drown before her eyes. Her mother was trying to save her. And she did. The dear little girl was rescued from the swirling, teeming water by nameless men–heroes who keep going back into the turmoil of a world washed away by Hurricane Harvey.
So many stories are emerging from the wreckage of south Texas. But, this is the one that wrecks me. One tiny girl, clinging to the body that brought her into this world, holding tight to the mama who gave of herself in every possible way. Plucked from the choppy water. Kept by God. Sheltered by her sweet mother and a multitude of angels.
I’ve read of another mother who sheltered her baby in the water. She made a basket of reeds and placed her chubby son inside, shoving him out into the unknown, just grasping at the chance to save his life. He, too, was kept by God and guarded by angels until he was plucked from the treacherous waters of the Nile river.
Maybe one day someone will tell the little rescued Texan about baby Moses. Maybe eventually, when she begins to wrestle with the truth that God’s ways are higher than ours, when she wonders with heartbreak what hurricanes have to do with the glory of God, when she looks toward Heaven and cries out to her maker, Why?–maybe the church will be there with answers from God’s word. Maybe she will find a local body of believers who will take her in, who will nurture her with the good and true words of the Bible. Maybe she will find comfort in the greatness of a God who always has a plan, who wastes no storm, no heartache, no tragedy.
We need churches who will be there for her and for millions like her. Churches who refuse to bow at the altars that this world erects. Churches who unapologetically proclaim that God is sovereign and He is trustworthy–yes, even here, in rushing flood waters in Beaumont, Texas, in August of 2017. He is good, even here, in the death of one heroic mother and in the life of her cherished three year old daughter. He is powerful, even here, when the why is easy to ask and hard to answer. One thing we know for sure: He is righteous.
The God who directs the wind and the waves does what He will. But, we must never forget, when we look at this sweet three year old miracle, that the God of the hurricane is also the God of the rescue. His ways are high. His purposes are good. And, His church should always be a light on a hill for those who wonder why. I pray that my church will be that. I pray that yours will, too. And, I pray that this sweet baby will one day run into the arms of a church that will teach her the truth that God had a good purpose in all of it.
The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the
winds and the waves obey him!” Matthew 8:27
The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble, and He knows those who take refuge in Him.
Nahum 1:7
This story broke my heart. God is always there if you look. Love your messages!!
Thank you for sharing your story and the affirmation of God’s truth and who He is regardless of hard things happening in life.
Thank you. Hard to know what to say. It’s time to do something.
Thank you — my heart is aching for this little one.
Thank you for putting tender words to a story we heard last night on the news and cannot erase from the mind. Our hearts are with all as we try to grasp what has happened. Prayers lifted daily here in the Midwest <3
Thank you for putting this in proper perspective . . . focusing on our Lord and Savior, the Creator!
Thank you so much for your article. It says what I’ve been praying and thinking for days: this is such a grown-up concept for us all. God IS in charge. How do we wrap our childlike brains around that, and who has words for the children. God bless you, precious lady, and heal all our mama- hearts!
God is good. I wonder who will tell this child and the world why God allowed this devastating storm? I wonder how many have the guts to hear the answer to the why question?
God is a God of love and just as a loving father rebukes a disobedient child so God rebukes his children. He did not cause the storm but he certainly allowed it. If we can not see Harvey as a refection of ourselves, we are refusing to look into the mirror God is holding before our face. Yes many have jumped in to help. Countless heroism is going on and that is wonderful but are we humbled into obedience or emblazoned to return to life as it was? If we are not humbled and turned to change these disasters are going to come harder and more frequently. You do not have to believe me. I seriously expect most to scorn my words! Just whatever you do remember what I have said when you are caught in the storm. What do you see in the mirror?
I am heartbroken for this little one, and yes it is easy to cry out for her loss and be angry at God, and I hope and pray that she will have people and a church who will guide her and tell her that we do NOT have a vindictive God or a God that punishes. God gave us His only Son for our forgiveness! Yes, hurricanes are an act of nature therefore can be construed to be sent from Heaven. Perhaps God is asking, are we paying attention ? Are we listening, helping? We have become so devided and hateful and many moving away from the church, I can understand in my childlike way that God may be telling us to wake up. I lost my mother suddenly at the age of 11. I wasn’t raised in a church or faithful family. I hated God and blamed him for my loss. But I married a wonderful man, who lead me to the church and to God. At 58 I am at peace with my Lord, and I would NEVER want this little one to go through life with that burden in her heart. Please pray with me!!!! Pray for this little one. amen.
Sensitively and wisely expressed. Thanks for wading into this very tough conversation.