This week our youngest turned five! We survived the preschool years (all twelve of them)! High fives all around! In this episode, we talk about some things that we feel made a difference in our marriage during the crazy little bitty kid phase. We hope you’ll find some encouragement and maybe some practical advice that you can use. No experts here, just sharing what has worked for us. Also: our most loyal listeners, Chad’s latest experience with being open, and more!
I am behind on my podcasts, but I’m catching up tonight while I’m designing a bookmark for a client who has a booth at SBC next month! 🙂 I can honestly say I’ve listened to every podcast, so you can add me to the list of dedicated listeners! Y’all are the best.
And also I have no idea why my avatar is a rabbit. #mysteriesoftheinternet
Shelby! You are awesome!
Mary Waterloo
Thank you for your sweet words to/about me today. Also, thank you Chad for the permanent volume control on the ending music, I can now actually listen to it. LOL
Oh, good, Mary!