The bloggers love talking about Millennials. They’re a fascinating group. Their thinking will change the world, no doubt. This young generation is a bit mysterious, a bit elusive, and in the blogosphere, we spend lots of time talking about why they’re leaving, what they’re thinking, and how they’re wired.
And, as interesting as the Millennials are, as much fodder for discussion that the Baby Boomers have given us for all these years, I want to tell you about something that happened in my living room today.
A group of seven old friends sat together for the first time in years. The room was small. Half of the group sat in kid-sized chairs because, well, because we’re all parents. We’re used to adapting. We’re okay with perching on baby chairs and balancing paper plates in our laps, if it means that we can engage in meaningful conversations with people we love.
These friends are all 40-ish. We are Generation X. We are the generation that everyone was talking about a while back. The do nothing generation. The kids who were raised on MTV back when it was actually Music Television. We were seen as apathetic. As lazy and entitled and spoiled.
We probably were.
But, let me tell you what I’m seeing in our generation.
Today, these seven friends sat around for four solid hours talking about church. Yes, that’s right. We talked about where the church is headed. What needs to change. What we’re doing right and where we’re failing. And, in each comment, in each question, in each story, what I saw was passion. Passion for Jesus Christ. Passion for His Bride. A deep, genuine love for the people of the cross, and for the people who have yet to fall at the feet of the Savior.
And, I’m convinced that all around the world, among my generation, other conversations like this are happening every single day.
God is working.
He is faithful through all generations. And, in my much underestimated Generation X, I see a love for Christ’s church that is contagious and exciting. I see a willingness to change methods in order to help spread the gospel. And, I see a determination to hold tight to the authority and weight of scripture, even if it’s unpopular to do so.
Today, in my living room, I was reminded that my generation is poised to lead the church through what are sure to be some of its most difficult times in history. And, I felt hope. I felt assurance. And, I felt thankful that God has placed me here for a time like this.
One thing this world likes to do is hand out labels. It likes to stamp us with its approval and disapproval. But, when we are simply followers of Christ, there is just no limit to what He can do with us. Maybe Generation X was poised to accomplish very little in this life. Then, one day in swoops the Creator of the Universe, and He raises up extraordinary leaders and great thinkers and people who care about Scripture and care about others. And, before you know it, in living rooms and fellowship halls and burger joints and bowling alleys all across the world, 40-something Gen Xers are sitting around discussing all of the ways to be better disciples, and God is glorified.
So, if you feel like the church is losing its way, take heart. God is raising up leaders among the least likely sources. And, it is a beautiful thing to see these young truth tellers come of age. I can’t wait to see what God will do through us. Through you. And through the undefeatable Church.
Needed to hear this. Believing God for seeds sown to be plantings of splendor for Him <3 God bless you for your words of encouragement always.
Thank you, Laura!!
Thank you for those beautiful encouraging words!
Thanks for reading, Janice!