On May 22, 1999, Chad Edgington met me at the small town church where I grew up, and even though I wasn’t near grown up yet, he promised to stick with me for the rest of my life.
Sticking with someone is not as easy as it sounds.
It takes patience. True perseverance. It takes navigating all of the rough, white rolling waters of changing and growing and ending up not really so much like you were the day you were married.
It takes listening to what needs to be said. It takes refusing to listen to what would break your heart. It takes knowing what needs attention and what needs to be forgotten.
Sticking with someone is more than putting up with them.
It’s putting yourself in their shoes. It’s putting yourself on the ever-terrifying line for them. It’s putting their must haves at the top of your list.
It is more than sacrifice. It is waking up each and every day, no matter life’s circumstances, no matter the mood, no matter the uncertainty of each moment, and choosing to love. Without reservation. Without regret. Ignoring the fear. Ignoring the voices that say it is impossible to stick with someone.
All of this and more. These have been Chad’s gifts to me over the past fifteen years.
And I am grateful.
HAHA!! A coupla babies!!!!
Good piece Melissa.
Thanks, Greg!
Judith Bonner
Happy Anniversary!
Thank you, Judith!
Lloyd Clanahan
Happy anniversary. To a lovely couple
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Thank you, Mr. Clanahan!
Melissa and Chad, Happy Anniversary! May you have a wonderful day of celebration and many blessed years together to come.
Thank you, Cheryl!
Dish with Mish
Happy Anniversary!
Thanks so much!
Happy anniversary to you! I remember your wedding and it’s hard to believe it’s been 15 years. May God bless yall with many many more years!
Being the typical knuckle dragging male, I somehow missed the anniversary thing. Yes, happy anniversary indeed!!!