Update: Giveaway is closed! The winner is comment number 4- Laura! Thanks for entering, everyone!
I’ll never forget one day during the summer right after my senior year of high school. I met Todd* in a grocery store parking lot, and he was one of those seriously intense 18 year old guys. You’ve probably met one or two in your time. After we introduced ourselves, he turned to me and asked, completely dead serious: So, how’s your quiet time?
I call this kind of fellow a supergodlyguy. He wasn’t wasting time asking what my favorite color was or where I went to high school. He went straight for the good stuff, like quiet times. The next time I saw Todd, he informed me that he wanted to begin his honeymoon with a Bible study. Needless to say, I didn’t see much of Todd after that. He was much too into his supergodlyguy status to be into me or God, for that matter. But, despite all that Todd was lacking as a future husband, he did bring up a good point in that very first meeting: it’s important for teens (for everyone) to have a regular time of prayer and Bible study. (What we used to call a “quiet time” back in the day.) So, if you have pre-teens or teens in your life, you may want to consider getting an Essential Teen Study Bible to help them more easily read and understand the Bible.
It seems like the most common complaint among Christians who have a hard time maintaining a regular Bible reading routine is that they don’t understand what they’re reading. So, one thing I love about the Essential Teen Study Bible is that every few pages there are little stopping points that ask questions and guide teens in their comprehension of what they’re seeing.
The Essential Questions about different sections of scripture provide a thought-provoking question and the answer, which will be important to those who haven’t had much exposure to the Bible or who are easily frustrated when trying to understand it.
Throughout the text you’ll find little boxes that say “Respond.” These are little life application devotional thoughts to help teens connect what they’re reading with real life circumstances or their own faith life. And, one of my favorite features is the “Redemption Thread,” which stops every few pages to show how different events in scripture point to Christ.
Probably the the most helpful feature of this study Bible is the collection of devotions that are spread throughout the book. It contains 146 Essential Connection Devotions, which are nestled in the middle of the featured passages, and they contain a reading assignment, thoughtful questions, and essential truths that will help build your teen’s faith and Bible comprehension confidence.
This Bible has lots of other cool features, including “Behind the Story” snippets scattered throughout, which offer interesting facts about the time period or the story’s connection to other events in scripture. And, at the beginning of each book of the Bible, you’ll find an introduction to the book which very plainly answers the who, when, and why of it.
The Essential Teen Study Bible has four color print, so it’s eye catching and is printed in neutral colors that are appropriate for boys and girls. This book isn’t necessarily what you might think of when you imagine a big, bulky study Bible. It doesn’t have a lot of study notes at the bottom of the pages. But, for most teens I think it probably contains just the right amount of information to help with their comprehension and learning to see how the entire story points to our need for a Savior.
I’m not totally sure if Todd would approve, since he probably judged Bibles based on their impressive thickness. But, if your teen is a regular person, chances are this Bible will be a hit.
The good people over at B&H have provided me with an Essential Teen Study Bible to give away to one of you! So, if you have a teen in your life who could do with a little Bible study help, leave me a comment and tell me who you would give this sweet Bible to (or if you would keep it for yourself)! The giveaway will end Sunday, February 14th at midnight. Winner will be announced Monday! Giveaway open only to US residents. Sorry, international friends! If you just can’t wait to see if you win the giveaway, you can always go ahead and order a copy of the Essential Teen Study Bible here or here. Share this giveaway with your friends and earn my unconditional love and devotion (ok, so maybe it’s slightly conditional)! Kidding! Best of luck, and check back for the winner announcement on Monday!
*Not his real name.
Sponsored post: B&H Publishing provided a copy of this Bible in exchange for my honest review.
Melissa, I would like to give a copy of The Essential Teen Study Bible to my 12 yr old grandson. My grandson is not as brash as “Todd,” but he does have a love for our Savior.
I will give it to Todd, with a punch in the face
Melissa, I would love this Bible for Allie! We’ve been looking for a new study bible and this one seems to fit what we’re looking for. She’s so faithful to spend time in the Word every day and I know she’d love this Bible.
I would give it to our 13 year old daughter, our 10 year old daughter would probably try to steal it, and our 8 year old son would probably spend his afternoon alone time reading through the whole thing!
Melissa, I would give this study bible to my 15 yr old daughter. It sounds like this would be a great study bible for her. I’m trying to get her to be in the word on a more regular basis. I’d also like to buy a 2nd for my 12 yr old son and start doing regular bible studies together. Thank you for this post that reminds us we all need to be in God’s word every day!
I would be so thankful for this! My son is 12 and has been going through some personal struggles. It has become very clear to me that Satan means to “steal kill and destroy.” I have been praying that Dylan would have a love for Gods Word and I think this would help him.
I would give it to my son then i would buy an extra one for my daughter.
I would love a copy of this for my daughter Abby. Our other three kids all have teen study Bibles but Abby is still using her kids version my Dad bought her.
MJ needs a study Bible! We have a compact Bible for church and a devotional book for home, but he’s ready to graduate. I’ll have to keep this one in mind!
Hi Melissa,
Thanks for the chamce to win! I would use thus bible with my boys. They’re 9 1/2 and 11, and the teen years are creeping in. 🙂 We do love learning about the history and culture of Jesus’ day.
Thanks again, and God Bless.
My daughter is asking about a devotional, so this would be just the thing for her!
I have an almost 14 year old boy, and we struggle with just sitting down and reading the Bible. Am definitely checking this out, would just be a bonus to win one! (Also have 11 yr old son, what one gets, the other usually does too! ) 🙂
I would give it to my 15 year old grandson who really needs this in his life right now!
I would give it to my 15 yr. old. She doesn”t have one right now. It may even get us talking more.
This Bible sounds great! I would love to give it to Jordyn, a sophomore in high school who just decided to follow Christ!
My son needs a new bible, It would be awesome if we could win this one for him. Thanks for the chance to win!
I would give it to my niece Audrey. She’s being a seeker ❤️
I would give it to Andrew. 🙂