God sends His grace floating mercifully down many different streams. Today it came in the form of a drawing from Adelade.
I stand by the shore of His peace in the driving rain and in days as bright as the sunshine coming in through Adelade’s little hand-made window. Always I find the bottles floating there, little ones and big ones, filled to the brim with reminders of His goodness. With votes of confidence in what He can do in me. With hugs and kisses from my Father.
And, I need them. Because this message speaks the truth: being a mom is hard. Being a Christian is hard. Being the person I’m called to be is hard. Becoming more like Christ is hard. But, this reality whispers to a weary soul: with Him, it can be done. It can all be done.
I think I can
If anybody can, you can, Lloyd! 🙂
What a sweet encouragement for all of us. Thank you ❤️