A few nights ago Adelade had one of those evenings filled with unanswerable questions. After she cried over all the things about this world that are so hard to understand, she got ready for bed and then approached me thoughtfully.
I have a question, she said. I’m kind of embarrassed to ask it.
Thinking that she was about to hit me with another tough topic, I braced myself.
Could I, maybe, um, do you think it would be crazy if, uh, if I asked if I could, well, um, start a blog?
I thought about it for a minute.
Sure, I told her. We could probably get a blog going for you.
REALLY? She was completely shocked. I thought you would think it’s a dumb idea!
When those words came out of her mouth, my brain filled up with a hundred flashbacks of all the nos that I deliver to my kids. The that-won’t-works. The you’re-too-youngs. The trust-me-it’s-not-a-good-ideas. And, I realized that maybe through my immediate dismissal of lots of kid ideas, I am sending the message to my kids that I think their ideas are dumb. That is so, so far from the truth. But, maybe that’s the impression I’m giving.
So, as of Sunday, Adelade and I launched her brand new blog. It’s going to be a collection of teaching ideas for school and Sunday school teachers. She thinks that teachers could benefit from hearing ideas from a kids’ perspective.
And, I think it’s a great idea.
If you’d like to check out Adelade’s blog or pass it on to teacher friends, click here!
Today I linked up over at All Kinds of Thing’s Tuesday Talk!
So glad you joined us today! What an incredible idea for a blog! Looking forward to checking it out!
Thanks, Elizabeth, for your invitation!
She sounds like a sweetie. Isn’t that a tough thing to gain middle ground on? I most certainly do not want to down play my kids ideas, creativity, or goals. I want them to have confidence in themselves. On the other hand I also don’t want to give them a false sense of reality thinking everything is a good idea or will work. I want to give them a dose of reality too, but I know that sometimes they will just have to try things on their own and make their own decisions about it. I think you did the right thing in letting her start a blog! I’m sure she will really enjoy it.
Thanks so much for linking up with us at Tuesday Talk! 🙂
Thanks for this, Chelsea! And, yes, it IS hard to find middle ground! Thanks for your encouragement. I’m looking forward to checking out your blog!
I just read Adelaide’s Blog! Very impressed. You are doing an awesome job, Melissa with your beautiful and talented children. Look forward to reading some amazing Blogs.
Thank you, Barbara!!
Awesome idea! I’m going to pass on Adelaide’s blog to a number of friends I know who are doing youth services programing in libraries, and sunday schools. Go Adelaide!
Great!! Thanks so much, Marie!
This is so great! And really has made me think about all the times I say “no” and how I can say “yes” more often! Thanks for linking up! 🙂 http://www.sarahefrazer.com