It’s January first. A fresh start. A do-over. A chance to tackle that list of resolutions again. I have a friend on Facebook who is often selling exercise equipment or weight loss supplements, and she always laughs about how she had good intentions. I can relate to that. I am an eternal optimist–I always believe that things are going to be different, that I am going to rid my life of what I don’t need or want. But, usually by year’s end I am pretty much the same person, with pretty much the same habits.
What if 2013 were different? What if this year I really made some changes, and not just losing weight and exercising or feeding my family healthier food (which I need to do), but what if I deepened my understanding of who God is? What if I committed to being as frugal with my time as I am with my money? What if I devoted more time to Christ than I devote to Facebook or talking on the phone or worrying about my children? What if I focused more on who I am in Christ and who He made me to be than on all the shortcomings that I see in myself? What if I stopped letting my obsession with myself get in the way of what God can do in my life?
I am obsessed with myself, you know. I think about myself more than I think about anyone else in the world. I worry about what I should’ve said or done. I think about how my husband feels about me, how my friends and acquaintances perceive me, how my children will remember me. I wonder why I do what I do. I look for reasons to be selfish. I often find things to be hurt about. There’s no getting around it. I am obsessed with me. And I bet you are obsessed with you, too.
I am really wondering if all of my failed attempts at growing deeper in my faith really are just about how much I love/hate/dwell on myself. Maybe if I decide to make this year all about Jesus Christ and how HE feels about me and how I can please HIM, I will have a breakthrough. I believe it can happen with His help.
So, here’s to making 2013 a year that’s a little less about me and a lot more about the Creator of the Universe. Blessings to you and your loved ones on this first day of a new beginning.
I love hearing from you!