1. Feign shock when artwork is found in the trash.
2. Blow on boo boos.
3. Use “you’re a big boy” and “you’re too little” as it suits the situation.
4. Say, “Because I said so,” and believe it.
5. Hide the chocolate.
6. Vacuum stray Legos.
7. Cheer the loudest when they’re playing the worst.
8. Answer hard questions with “Ask your daddy.”
9. When making to-do lists, include at least two things that are already done.
10. Camp inside.
11. Forgive the mean kids.
12. Buy Velcro shoes for as long as possible.
13. Goldfish crackers.
14. Go ahead with the funeral for the hamster.
15. Watch kid movies and quote them often.
16. Read one sentence per page. They won’t know for years.
17. Turn off the TV.
18. Embrace hand-me-downs.
19. Laugh. A lot.
20. When all else fails, nap. If naptime fails, refer to #13.
I love it! Never thought of #9 but what a cool way to bring in a little joy to their day!
Thank you, Maya! 🙂
I thought it was mainly for mom’s to-do list. 😀 I don’t have a husband or kids but I totally do this regularly!
Thank you! Your blog post cracked me up!
Oh yes and re #13: http://youmeandteddy.wordpress.com/2014/02/18/abuse/
That was such a cute thing to do youmeandteddy. What a wonderful way to love on your kids!
Aw thanks 🙂 we try. X
#9! Everyday! LOL
Ha ha!! Me, too!
Love this list, and I gotta say I have always loved kids movies, no faking it! Finding Nemo will always be my fav! My kids are now 12&16 and still like them too!!
Me, too, Stacy! I never understood how Chad can fall asleep in kid movies. 🙂
#16 made me chuckle.
It works, Mark! It’ll change your life! 🙂
My wife used #8 often and it gave me a chance to teach my kids that Dads know everything! 🙂 #17 will change your family for the better. My kids are all over 21 now but we still quote kid movies.
Ha, Bill!
Wow… a great list for us old Grandparents too!