I have never been much of an athlete. I was always too slow. Too uncoordinated. I was the kickball player whose shoe always managed to go flying while I tried to kick the ball. You get the picture.
As an adult, working out has been an on again/off again proposition. It’s easy, oh-so-easy, to work out before kids. You go to the gym when you want. You stay as long as you want. You sleep normal hours. You set your schedule.
Then motherhood hits, and suddenly you are zombiefied. You eat leftovers off your kids’ plates. You can’t afford the gym, and if you could, you’ve got nowhere to leave your kids.
Enter Fe Fit.
This video series is a collection of workouts designed specifically for mothers. The exercises are geared toward working those problem spots that women who’ve birthed babies tend to share. Abs. Lower body. Shoulders. Back. And, the workouts are all different combinations of exercises, so you don’t get bored with the same routine over and over again.
Here are some of my favorite things about Fe Fit:
1. The countdown timer. In the corner of the screen you’ll see a little timer that counts down the minutes left in your workout. When I’m tired, it helps so much to look and see that I only have eight minutes left. Then I get all fired up and give myself the old “You can do anything for eight minutes” pep talk. It works. (It also helps that all of the workouts are 30 minutes or less!)
2. Three days a week. Fe Fit is designed to give you a good workout three days a week, not five or seven. Of course, if you really want to be an over-achiever and work out more days, you can since there are plenty of workouts to choose from. But, for me, the workout underachiever, the three days a week doesn’t overwhelm me or set me up to fail. I can feel successful even if I don’t do a video every day.
3. The Mama-isms. The instructor encourages you throughout the workouts, reminding you that you want to be strong and healthy for yourself and for your family. But, my favorite is when I’m using weights and she says something like, “I know your arms are tired, but you lift your baby like this all day long, so I know you can do this!” And then I think, “Dang, these are three pound weights. She’s right! I can DO THIS!”
4. The chart. When you get the Fe Fit system, not only is everything bright pink and adorable, you also get a chart with stickers. I mean, everyone loves sticker charts. You can do the 90 day Experience where you get to put stickers on your chart when you’ve completed your workout. For me, it’s a motivator. I can see how much progress I’ve made, and there’s even space to track your weight and inches lost.
5. The anybody-can-do-it factor. Like I said, I’m no athlete. I can do these workouts. Are they challenging? Yes. But, they’re do-able. Yet, plenty of extremely athletic women also do these workouts and find them challenging as well. So, anyone can benefit from (and survive) the workouts.
So, that’s the truth about my Fe Fit experience. If this sounds like something you would be interested in trying out, you’re in luck! Because the great mamas over at Fe Fit are offering my readers 20% off practically everything* on their website! Just use the code 1momblog20.
Click here to watch some sample workouts!
*20% code doesn’t apply to the already reduced 28 Day Challenge.
This is a sponsored post. Fe Fit provided me with product in exchange for my honest opinion.
Hi Melissa,
Just curious…how long have you been doing the program? Have you lost any weight? Have you noticed any differences, i.e. flattened stomach, muscles more toned etc.?
Hi, Susanne! I did the 90 Day Experience and had definite muscle tone develop and for me probably the best thing about it was the strength building. In no time at all I was noticing that I had power in my arms and legs and back and core that I didn’t have before. I’m sorry I didn’t track my weight (I’m not much of a weigh-er), but these moves do change the shape of your body in good ways. Especially for those trouble spots that show up after babies!
patty mendez
Hi! Do you happen to have the 5 day a week calendar for the 90 days?? Thanks