Today has been a day of mourning for people all over this big and diverse world of ours. It has been a day of whys and hows, of what-nows and which-way-from-heres. Today, precious people in my town and in yours woke up next to a husband or wife and will lie down tonight alone, empty, shocked, and wondering where God is. Today, mothers buried children. Sons sat by dying mothers’ bedsides. Today, the grief was overwhelming, in doctors’ offices and hospital rooms and cold white hallways and living rooms.
Today, death and dying and loneliness hurt deeply.
But, God draws near to the broken-hearted and crushed in spirit. And, He is just as trustworthy today as He was yesterday. Things changed in a matter of minutes. Things changed forever. But, one thing is sure: He never changes. He is in control, He is working, and He is good. He is so, so good, even when we face despair and desolation on all sides.
He is hope. He is love. And He is comfort.
Mourners, He will gather your broken pieces.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Matthew 5:4
Once again. You have no idea how God speaks through you. Thank you <3
Thank you, Laura!
Melissa, God has certainly gifted you to write and express your feelings and ours. Beautifully stated. As you know, I have buried a child. I have also sat by the bedside of first my Father and then my Mother as they each died from awful, ugly cancer. All this in a six year period. I do know, God is hope. God is love. God is comfort. He is also a healer of broken shattered hearts and dreams.
Thanks so much, Barbara. I love hearing your perspective.
My wife and I had just got home from worship services where we had rededicated our renovated sanctuary and had church wide lunch where we sat at the same table with our Sunday school teachers The doorbell rings and it is the husband of our Sunday school teacher who is delivering my bible to me which I had left at the church building. I walk down the sidewalk with him and say goodbye and watch them drive up the street towards there home.
Yes, things do change. Two days later my wife and I were driving out our driveway and up those same tracks to our Sunday school teachers home delivering food to a mourning family who had lost a wife, mom, grandmother, and for my wife and I a Sunday school teacher and good friend.
Yes, things do change. Yes we are hurting. But I know she wouldn’t want to come back and continue to teach my Sunday school class because worshiping her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and seeing Him face to face is way better than teaching my Sunday school class.
Thanks for your writings
You’re so right, Ed! Thank you!
My youngest son printed out ‘Psalm 139:16″ for me on the day Max died. “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” I clutched that piece of paper all through that first week, assuring myself that God knew exactly how many days my oldest son would have on this earth – 6,621 – before he was even born.
Thank you for this. The grief is unbearable but I know I will see my husband again soon!! My husband took his last breath this past Sunday doing exactly what he was called to do, doing exactly what he loved doing and that was preaching the word of God. One minute he’s teaching about Jesus the next he met Him Face to Face!! Oh how that brings me so much comfort.
Shelly, I’m so sorry for your loss. Faith is Christ is the greatest comfort. I’m so glad you have peace knowing that your husband is safe in His arms.
This is amazing, and hits very close to home for so many, I’m sure. It’s one of those that you wish you could send out to everyone you know who is facing something devastating right now. But, I will tuck it away in my heart, and save it for the right time. Thank you!
I hope those that grieve read this and are reminded. God is Hope. God is Love. God is Comfort. As a mother who has gone threw the death of a child, only God can truly comfort us. He accomplishes this threw others. Their prayers, hugs, cards, food and presence as we that grieve walk threw that dark valley. Thank you Melissa for sharing.