I know I’m probably breaking some kind of girl code to say this, but Pinterest really gets on my nerves. The fun part of being creative is trying to think of ideas that maybe no one else has thought of yet. All Pinterest has done is taught us that there is no such thing as an original idea. Quick, think of the craziest, off-the-wall idea ever. Now go search for it on Pinterest. I guarantee it: someone else has already done it.
I’m thinking about my love/hate relationship with Pinterest today because I spent basically my entire day making goody bags for Sawyer’s class. I got up this morning to start making them (I know, I know, procrastination), and the blade on my Silhouette was dull and wouldn’t cut anything. So, I loaded Emerald into the car and we drove the 40 minutes to the nearest Hobby Lobby and drove back again.
Then I started.
And, I totally missed Sawyer’s party. It basically would’ve been an epic mom fail except for the fact that they turned out really cute, and in the end Sawyer was thrilled because his teacher is handing them out first thing in the morning. Gummy worms for breakfast!
So, I finally got these finished and then we went to eat and to WalMart, where we lost Emerald. It was probably the most terrifying 20 seconds of my life. We were hollering all over WalMart like crazy people, and a lady walked by and said, “Are you looking for a baby? I saw one in the produce.”
Now, as much as I appreciate the vital information, all I could think was who sees a baby wandering around the produce section and just keeps walking? When I see a lost child I stay with him because I know I’m not a crazy serial killer.
Anyway, the lady was right. Emerald came strolling out of the produce department while I sprinted in flip flops and Adelade cried hysterically. Emerald didn’t seem the least bit concerned about the fact that she had no idea where we were. Ten years. Gone from my life forever. I don’t think I quit shaking until we were halfway home.
Anyway, so we bathed the kids and finally got them in bed. And, if there is any doubt in anyone’s mind that I am a night person, at ten o’clock I decided that I was going to make goody bags for Adelade’s class, too. I had 47 pounds of gummy bears that I bought with the worms, so I figured I may as well use them. Here’s how hers turned out:
So, in short, today I glued tiny pieces of paper together for hours and I lost my youngest child. All in a day’s work.
I love reading your blog. I love your honesty. 🙂
🙂 Thank you! I’m glad you’re here!