Words are important. Maybe that’s why I love writing so much. I want to put words together for my children to read one day that will encourage them and will show them what their mother was like when they’re having a hard time remembering. I want them to read what I write and see how much I love them. I want them to know that nothing matters more than Christ. I want them to know how cool they are, how unique and beautiful and meaningful each of their lives really is. Many things they won’t know or understand about themselves unless someone tells them with words.
Preparing for our move has reminded me of the importance of words. As we say goodbyes, I feel almost like we’re attending our own funeral. Not because it’s sad (although it is), but because we are hearing so many sweet words from our friends. It’s as if we’re getting to sit in on our own memorial, listening to our loved ones say things that really matter to our hearts and our spirits. It’s so encouraging to get affirmations from godly people that we are heading in the right direction. It’s beautiful to hear the I-love-yous. The coming separation has caused us to tearily tell our sweet friends here how much they mean to us, how important they have been to our growth, how they have prepared us for the next big step with their godly lives and their love. We are saying and hearing things that we probably wouldn’t if we were staying put. And, I suppose these special words, these encouraging sweet nothings from sweet people are just little bonus blessings on the tail-end of a most meaningful and happy journey.
I don’t believe it’s possible to over-encourage someone. It’s not likely that we could build someone up too much. There is such beauty and grace in telling someone that they are doing well, or reminding someone that they are loved. We all have words that have stayed with us through lots of years. Our great friends have reminded me that I want to make sure that the words I say that are going to stick to someone for the next ten years are good words, sweet and kind and full of grace and love.
I know I have collected lots of those kinds of words in the past few weeks from our sweet friends. Their encouragement means so much in light of my new role as pastor’s wife. They tell me I can do it. They show me how to love with their words.
The average woman will use 20,000 words today. It’s staggering to think about how much loving, encouraging, and building up we can do in a day. I pray that we use our words wisely. Thanks to wonderful friends who have shown us the way.
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