Adelade has outgrown Disney princesses. She doesn’t want to wear poofy dresses to church anymore. She thinks Dora is for babies. Sesame Street is out of the question. She likes to carry a purse. She is dying to wear my shoes.
All signs that my first baby is growing up. But, this seven year old in-between-ness is actually one of my favorite phases of parenting so far. She is in this magical stage of being a fairly independent, fun, reasonable human being who also loves holding my hand in public. Who still likes to sit in my lap even though her feet are almost touching the floor. Who loves playing with dolls and putting on shows and who is begging to get a kitten.
I am still one of her favorite people.
But, her world is growing. She has friends and teachers and, believe it or not, she even has boys who are paying her a little more attention than I would like. I am trying to stop and breathe in each moment that she would rather sit with me than sit with her friends. I try to burn into my mind the image of her reaching out to hold my hand while we walk. I want to remember the way she walks up to me with outstretched arms and simply says, “Hug.” I know these days will come to an end, sooner than I can even admit to myself.
And she has already had a few rolling-the-eyes, glaring-in-disbelief moments, though they have been few. When I see that side of her coming out, I think of three year old Adelade, who, believe me, gave me a run for my money on more than one occasion. I figure I will have to deal with that iron-willed little attitude again in a few years.
But, right now. Right now is just beautiful. She amazes me with her insight and challenges me with her faith. I am loving watching my first born, my “original baby,” as Chad calls her, grow into an original young lady.
Isn’t it wonderful, getting to know the people that you birthed? Then my baby, now my companion, someday my friend. I feel blessed.
You made me cry.