This giveaway has ended. The winner of the sparrow ornament is Christi Beerley! Thanks to all who entered!
I met Missy Hume of The Sparrow Project at a conference this fall. She is one of the warmest, most caring people I’ve ever encountered, and I’m so excited that she is guest posting today to tell you all about her beautiful jewelry and the mission behind it. Please welcome Missy!
God speaks to us in all different ways; through His word, through other people, through the Spirit. For me it was back in April on my way to music class with my youngest two children. He said, “I have a daughter and she needs to know that I still love her.” It was very clear and very urgent. I pulled into a parking lot and contacted Project 143 because that was the first thing that came to my mind. P143 is an orphan hosting program that brings Eastern European orphans to America twice a year to spend time with a family for 4-5 weeks. We ended up being late to music class that morning but we were signed up to host an orphan from Ukraine. Her name was Alina and she only spoke Russian.
As I was preparing for her arrival, I asked the Lord to show me ways I could remind her that she was still loved despite the language barrier. I remembered a little clay sparrow I had been given for the birth of my fourth child. The sparrow was a visual reminder of Matthew 10:29-31:
“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. Yet even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. You are worth more than many sparrows.”
I felt a sparrow would be the perfect way to remind Alina that she was loved: it needed few words, she could take it home with her and all she ever had to do was simply look at it to be reminded she was loved. In fact when I gave it to her all I said was, “every time you look at this, remember that you are loved.” She understood. She kept the sparrow by her bed the whole summer. She even made a sparrow for her best friend back home in Ukraine. Then it clicked: Love has no language barrier! The Truth of God’s love transcends all languages. Sometimes all we need is just a visual reminder. With that realization I felt called to continue making sparrows as an avenue for everyone to give and receive the Truth of God’s love and on July 23rd The Sparrow Project was born.
In addition to making clay sparrows, I also began making jewelry hand stamped with words, quotes or scripture inspired by Truth. I like to call it “Stamped with Truth” and I pray that each person who wears any of my jewelry allows the Truth behind that piece to also be stamped on their heart. Our hearts are the biggest weapon we have for the Kingdom.
In November we decided to partner with The Lulu Tree – a non-profit organization who helps mothers in the slums of Katwe, Uganda earn an honest living so they do not have to face the option of giving up their children because they lack the resources to care for them. The Lulu Tree’s mission is to prevent tomorrow’s orphans by equipping today’s mothers. I donate 50% of the proceeds from my jewelry and 100% of the proceeds from my sparrows to The Lulu Tree.
As God has continued to write The Sparrow Project’s story over the past few months, He has shown me that He wasn’t just talking about Alina when He said there was a daughter who needed to know He still loved her. He was talking about all the orphans hosted through P143. He was talking about the mothers in Uganda. He was talking about you and me and everyone He has brought to The Sparrow Project. God loves us all so fiercely and He wants us to know that. All the time. He goes to great lengths to remind us of His love – with the most tangible reminder given to us over 2,000 years ago wrapped in swaddling clothes and placed in a manger.
Just in time for Christmas, Missy is giving one Your Mom Has a Blog reader a beautiful sparrow Christmas ornament. Just visit The Sparrow Project and tell me which piece of jewelry you love the most. (I own the HOPE Sparrow Necklace, and I love it!) A winner will be chosen on Monday, December 15th. Many thanks to Missy and The Sparrow Project! Be sure to visit Project 143 to learn more about orphan hosting.
I love the Worth More Than Sparrows necklace…beautiful!
I love all Missys things but especially anything with Hope and an anchor. That verse in Hebrews is a favorite!!
Fly bravely cuff!!
I love the Anchor my Soul. And the cuffs!
I love this idea!!! This is one of my favorite projects, Missy is beyon an inspiration!! I would love a leather cuff bracelet!!
How do you choose? It’s all beautiful! The sparrow verse is one of the first I used to teach my children when they were little. Sparrows were plentiful in our yard and as we walked outside, I would point them out and tell them how special they were to Him. So the More Than Sparrows necklace would have to be top of the list.
I love them all, and I love that God has inspired Missy to do this.
I guess I would have to choose the “More Than Sparrows” necklace. It’s such a great reminder of how much more the Lord loves me compared to all of His other creations.
Of course, I love the one that is sold out! The necklace with the sparrow and the saying on it. Great blog, I had never heard of them before!
Pam, I just put 3 back in the shop
More than a Sparrow
WOW! I LOVE all of it!! I think my favs are the Anchor my soul necklace and the Jesus and Coffee cuff 🙂
I love the Hope Anchor or Hope Sparrow necklaces. My mother’s name was Hope and she passed away when I was 16 but her legacy and memory are still with me so I love things with “Hope” to remind me of her and to remind me of the hope I have knowing she’s in Heaven and I will be too someday.
I love the Fly Bravely necklace. I’m so thankful for all that The Sparrow Project is doing to help others – they are a blessing!
I love the cuff that says “A little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus”. Perfect for every day of my life!
Hope sparrow necklace!
So beautiful–the story and the jewelry! The Hope necklace is my favorite. Many blessings to Missy and The Sparrow Project!
I love the anchor my soul necklace!
My favorite is the Anchor my Soul necklace. 🙂
I love the Anchor my soul!
just went to the site to order. Will it possible to get before christmas??
Hi, Melanie! I checked with Missy, and she said that if you ordered jewelry it will ship right away. If you ordered a sparrow, there’s a bit of a wait, but it should ship on the 18th, in time to arrive right before Christmas! 🙂