This is episode 29 of 30 Days to a Deeper Connection in Your Marriage. In this episode: We couldn’t talk about 30 aspects of marriage without addressing sex. Don’t listen to this one with smaller children in the room!
Really enjoyed this podcast, especially how uncomfortable it was for Chad to approach the topic. I appreciate your candor and how you have both grown in these last 30 days.
I think it should be said that physical intimacy and sex with your spouse is a trailing indicator of spiritual and emotional intimacy. I heard it said, I think by CJ and/or Carol Mahaney, that I shouldn’t expect to touch my wife’s body until I have touched her heart. My wife’s body shouldn’t be used to fulfill my lustful desires which would defile the one flesh relationship that God gave us. My lustful “needs” or “wants” need to be repented of before I initiate or before we are intimate physically.
Really enjoyed this podcast, especially how uncomfortable it was for Chad to approach the topic. I appreciate your candor and how you have both grown in these last 30 days.
I think it should be said that physical intimacy and sex with your spouse is a trailing indicator of spiritual and emotional intimacy. I heard it said, I think by CJ and/or Carol Mahaney, that I shouldn’t expect to touch my wife’s body until I have touched her heart. My wife’s body shouldn’t be used to fulfill my lustful desires which would defile the one flesh relationship that God gave us. My lustful “needs” or “wants” need to be repented of before I initiate or before we are intimate physically.
Go Cowboys!
Great point, Matt!