In yesterday’s podcast, Chad and I talked about some communication issues in marriage. So, I thought today it would be fun to create a checklist of ten things that we can all do TODAY to communicate love to our husband or wife. You want your marriage to change for the better? This list is a great place to start working on it.
1. Give your spouse at least one genuine compliment. If you feel like there’s not a single positive thing to say today, look harder. Find something. Even if it’s just that you like the fact that he wears deodorant. Hey, it’s a start.
2. Find one act of service to do for your spouse. It can be something big (finally clean out that disastrous garage) or something small (pour her a cup of coffee), but find one way to serve your spouse.
3. Say only positive things about your spouse. Today, don’t let a single negative opinion about your spouse cross your lips. In fact, find something good you can say about him to someone today. Bonus points if that someone is your mother.
4. Ask your spouse at least one question that shows that you care. Ask him how his day went. Ask her if she’s excited about a new movie coming out. Show that you value your spouse’s feelings and opinions.
5. Recall at least one happy memory that you share. You don’t have to wait for some kind of perfect segue into this topic. Any silent moment is the perfect one to smile and say, “Do you remember that day…”
6. Choose to ignore little annoyances. I know you hate it when you can hear your husband chewing. I know it drives you crazy when your wife’s makeup and hair tools are spread all over the bathroom. Today, let it go.
7. Ask your spouse this question: “How can I help you today?” It doesn’t matter if you have five million projects you need to complete by bedtime. Stopping to ask your spouse this question (and then following through if he needs help) will make him feel more loved than you know. It also communicates that you’re on the same team.
8. Give your spouse top priority. Today, put your spouse before the kids. Before the neighbors or your mother or your best friend. Give her that feeling that she used to have when you would zero in on her when she walked into a room.
9. Pray for your spouse. If you want your marriage to change, if you want your spouse to see things differently, if you want peace in your home, if you want to be a better husband or wife, pray about it. Ask God to help you. Ask God to bless your marriage.
10. Say, “I love you.” Words matter. Don’t assume that your spouse should know that you love her. Say it. Today and every day.
What are some of the best communication tips that you have ever received? What works in your marriage?
Love this!!
Thanks, Juliana!
Great blog!
Hold hands. Hold hands when you are walking together and hold hands when you go to bed at night before you go to sleep. That small physical touch makes it easier to let go of the frustrations and hurts that Satan will try to use to destroy God’s good gift of marriage.
Love it, Pam!
This is so great! I wish someone had given me this list the day I got married….that would be 42 years ago!! It has been a good 42 years, but always room for improvement! Going to print this list and keep with AM devotionals. I LOVE your blog.
Thanks so much, Barbara! 42 years and still looking for ways to improve your marriage. I love that.
I would move #9 & #10 to #1 & #2, but it’s a great top ten!!
Thanks, Vicki! They aren’t listed in order of importance. I probably should have mentioned that!