I want to thank you faithful, fabulous people! Thank you for being part of this community, which is growing every day.
I wanted to push pause on the blog for a second today to ask you if there are any topics that you would like to see me cover. Do you have any burning questions that I could try to find answers to? Would you like to see more book reviews or suggestions for tools to grow in your faith? I would love to hear from you. What would you like to see more of on Your Mom has a Blog?
Thanks so much for your feedback! We’re in this together, you know! Blessings for a great Tuesday!
In no particular order:
1. Whether traducianism or creationism best accounts for the prorogation of the human soul.
2. A treatise on the hypostatic union of the eternal and temporal natures of the incarnate Christ.
3. Whether in your view a supralapsarian, infralapsarian or sublapsarian accounting of the decrees of God are most faithful to the scriptures.
4. The necessity, or lack thereof, of meticulous divine deterministic providence for the certainty of human knowledge.
5. An exposition of how the eternal triunity of the God of the Christian scriptures solves the ancient philosophical conundrum of the problem of the one and the many. Ontological unity and diversity.
5. Whether the perfect, accusative, neuter, plural participle, katērtismena ( κατηρτισμένα ) should be rendered in the the middle or passive voice in Romans 9:22.
🙂 (jist kiddin)
Ha ha, Tiribulus. I think people prefer to read English. 🙂
Tips on discipleship within the home – resources to use, ways to incorporate discipleship into conversations and discipline, encouragement to parents not to leave the spiritual growth up to the church. You use a lot of what happens with your kids to teach adults – are you using some of the same things to teach your kids? As a Sunday school teacher I hear things like, “they learn better from you,” “I don’t know where to start,” “I don’t know how to teach the kids at home,” and just the idea if not the reality that the Sunday school teacher is the primary teacher of the children. While I do agree that children sometimes act like they learn better from the Sunday school teacher, I can also tell when I’m teaching who gets it at home too, even when the teaching is irregular. I would love to see more parents encouraging each other to bring the gospel into the home so that the parents are watering daily the tiny seeds I’m planting. Maybe a blog once a month on a tip or word of encouragement in this area. Or recommendations for books or resources in this area.
All good ideas, Cyndia! Thanks for taking the time to pass them along!
I’ve been reading your blog for about a year now and just love all that you’ve done. I can’t think of anything to suggest–everything you do seems perfectly timed and right on. Thanks so much for the encouragement, humor, and warmth that flows through all that you write! As far as I’m concerned, if you’re writing, I’ll be reading!
Annalee, what a kind word! Thank you so much for taking the time to encourage me!
Dear Melissa,
What I like best about your writing is the spontaneity of what you have to say. You have the ability to use the smallest events and demonstrate a Godly principle better than anyone I know.
Please don’t lose your freshness by becoming too structured in an attempt to meet people’s perceived needs.
Grace and mercy to you,
Robert, thank you for reading and for always having an uplifting word to say!
I would love to hear your thoughts on so many things I struggle with in this upside down world, but mostly I just love to hear what God lays on your heart each and every post. Somehow it is always just what I needed to hear…and I am sure it is because you seek to see Him in all things and then share with us what He has shown you <3 Bless you!
Laura, thank you so much for your encouragement!
I have been richly blessed by every of yourvpost.
With so much simplicity u communicate the truth.
Keep allowing the lead of the Spirit.
Grace to you.
Thank you, Makinde!