Your One Wild and Precious Life Sarah Markley asks the all important question: What are you doing with your one wild and precious life?
An Imperfect Mom is Still a Good Mom A great reminder that good mothers make the world go round, written by a mother of four “from the other side of perfect.”
4 Habits of Punctual People Um, I need to pin this one. And bookmark it. And print it out to hang in multiple places around my house. I would do that, but it would make me even later for that thing that I was supposed to be at 20 minutes ago.
When Satan Steals Your Motherhood So Pinterest really is of the devil? Kidding, but this article brings up some interesting ideas.
Classic Images Recreated People are creative. I just love these recreations of famous artwork and photographs, using nothing but toys, buttons, beads and junk.
Have a great weekend!
A prayerless Christian is like a bus driver trying alone to push his bus out of a rut because he doesn’t know Clark Kent is on board. -John Piper
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